
Trustee Laura Bozzi serves the Village of Cold Spring.

Leading on the Environment
Securing our Water Supply
Fixing Neglected Infrastructure
Professionalizing Local Government
Welcoming Villager Participation
Maximizing Budget Dollars

About Laura

I went to grade school in Brewster while growing up in Danbury. After years living around the country and the globe, my husband Alex and I decided to settle in Cold Spring. I quickly came to love Village life, from conversations over the backyard fence with my neighbors to running errands at local shops where the merchants and I knew each others’ names.

Right away, I got involved, joining the Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals, the Philipstown Climate Smart Task Force, and the Trails Committee. In May 2022, I stepped up to be appointed a Trustee for the Village of Cold Spring. I feel a responsibility to advocate for my community and the issues I care about, and I enjoy working together with my neighbors toward something bigger.

I studied ecology in undergrad and went on to a PhD in Forestry & Environmental Studies, both from Yale University. My career has spanned working with refugee and immigrant urban farmers in Providence to litigating against mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia. I’ve worked in state and federal government, and a range of non-profits. I’ve built programs, led teams, and secured over $1 million in grant funding.

Now at the Yale School of Public Health, I do research and build community partnerships to address climate change’s impacts to human health. I’m passionate about protecting people’s health, taking action on climate change, and working toward a sustainable future.